About Me
Hello, I'm Vedant Shah
A passionate Data Science and Machine Learning enthusiast. Presently, I'm pursuing my Master's in Computer Science at Virginia Tech , having completed
my Bachelor's in the same field with a minor in Entrepreneurship - New Venture Growth. My academic journey has been marked by a strong GPA of 3.75, reflecting my dedication and commitment to my field.
My research interests are deeply rooted at the intersection of Generative Models, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing, with a keen focus on enhancing data quality and representation.
Additionally, I am dedicated to making AI more interpretable and transparent, which is crucial in the era of complex models.
My technical prowess spans across Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science, with proficiency in frameworks and libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Mediapipe, Transformers (Hugging Face), NTLK,
OpenCV, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Os, Subprocess. I am also adept at using Linux Terminal, Github, and VSCode, Tableau.
I am fortunate to work under the guidance of my research advisor, Dr. Ismini Lourentzou, in the Perception
and Language Lab at Virginia Tech . Here, I'm currently developing a deep learning model for generating high-quality, one-shot talking-head videos. I've also interned at the
Lab for Fluid Dynamics in Nature at Virginia Tech , where I led the development of a machine learning model for blood pressure variation detection by leveraging photoplethysmography signals. You can
learn more about me through my publications and research work as well as my selected personal projects.
When I'm not immersed in research or coding, you can find me swimming, working out, hiking, cycling, playing badminton, or making new friends. I believe in the values of accountability, commitment,
curiosity, and integrity, and strive to uphold these in all my endeavors.
[Data] Quality Lies In The Eyes Of The Beholder
Xavier Plemming, Vedant Shah, Ismini Lourentzou
Keywords: Datasets, Data Quality, Data Utility, Incomplete Data, User Survey, Data Analytics.
ACM PETRA 2022 Association for Computing Machinery Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments
Abstract: As large-scale machine learning models become more prevalent
in assistive and pervasive technologies, the research community
has started examining limitations and challenges that arise from
training data, e.g., fairness, bias, and interpretability issues. To
this end, data-centric approaches are increasingly prevailing over
time, showing that high-quality data is a critical component in
many applications. Several studies explore methods to define and
improve data quality, however, no uniform definition exists. In
this work, we present an empirical analysis of the multifaceted
problem of evaluating data quality. Our work aims at identifying
data quality challenges that are most commonly observed by data
users and practitioners. Inspired by the need for generally applicable
methods, we select a representative set of quality indicators, that
covers a broad spectrum of issues, and investigate the utility of these
indicators on a broad range of datasets through inter-annotator
agreement analysis. Our work provides insights and presents open
challenges in designing improved data life cycles.
Poster Presentation:
Vedant Shah, Julia WakeField, Anne Staples
Virginia Tech Summer Research Symposium 2022
Abstract: A mechanical insect wing station has been constructed to understand the underlying fluid dynamic principles which guide the circulation of hemolymph in an insect wing.
The frequency at which the wing flaps depends on the voltage fed to the motor and on the inertial properties of the wing. Using machine learning (ML) to perform regression,
estimating the values of dependent variables based on independent variables, is a well-studied task both in academia and industry. While many generic regression models are available,
we wanted to be able to calibrate the apparatus for new wings using only sparse data. A custom regression model was built using Tensorflow with the adaptive moment estimation algorithm
(Adam) as the optimization function and Huber as the loss function to learn the relationship between the voltage and frequency of specific insect wing models fabricated with stereolithography
resin printers. Datasets were prepared by manually tracking the flapping wing in video data in order to find the flapping frequency in Hertz and the voltage from the power source in Volts at
that frequency. The mean absolute percentage error is used to measure the accuracy of the prediction. The model predicts voltage based on input frequency with a 94% success rate. Automating
this manual task with an ML model improves the accuracy of values. This is essential to improve data accuracy in the insect wing hemodynamics experiments which has a broader application to
downstream tasks such as developing systems for drug delivery and other applications in human health.
High-Res Poster Pdf
Abstract [pg 203]
Adaliah Duyna, Cayla Catz, Jessica Prisbe, Vedant Shah, Shuyu Zhang, Anne Staples
Virginia Tech Summer Research Symposium 2022
Abstract: Over 500 million people are affected by diabetes worldwide. For insulin-dependent patients, treatments include bulky and inconvenient battery-powered insulin pumps and painful syringe injections.
The InsulPatch is an alternative, smaller-scale insulin delivery pump currently under development. It provides an inexpensive way to administer insulin easily, painlessly, and without a power source,
making insulin delivery more convenient for Type 1 diabetics. Inspired by the insect respiratory system, the InsulPatch features a multilayer microfluidic pump system. It uses the wearer’s radial pulse to
pump insulin transdermally via a microneedle array. Photolithography and stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing microfabrication techniques were used to create device design molds. The molds were then used
to create the InsulPatch device layers by pouring liquid polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) into the molds and baking to cure the PDMS. The devices contain three layers: a top layer consisting of actuation channels,
a thin middle membrane, and a bottom layer containing the flow channels. Flow rate data was collected at different actuation pressures and frequencies for different flow and actuation channel geometric design
parameters. The devices were actuated using pressurized air signals representing different blood pressures and heart rates. The flow rate data was collected and analyzed using Graphpad Prism. This data was then
used to create a sequential regression machine learning model with 80% prediction accuracy, enabling the solution of the inverse problem of producing device designs for specific patients. After successful clinical
trials, the InsulPatch will allow for accessible, painless, and convenient insulin delivery.
High-Res Poster Pdf
Abstract [pg 123]
John Do, Vedant Shah , Yoon Choi, Anne Staples
Institute for Creativity, Arts, And Technology Day 2023
Abstract: 1 in 4 women experience intimate partner violence. Safety Tank, is a simple tank top with a detachable device created to detect unusual linear and rotational accelerations associated with interpersonal violence.
By utilizing an accelerometer and gyroscope, the device can accurately monitor changes in motion, including forceful falls. When a concerning event occurs, Safety Tank generates alerts that are immediately sent to predetermined contacts,
such as healthcare providers, intervention teams, and trusted friends.
High-Res Poster Pdf
Demo Video